My 16 year old has had an ehcp since 30th July 2018. The last update added to the plan was on 28th of January 2019. I have not received any review paper from Dudley LA SEND team since. Although there have been 2 reviews completed by school since that date, no paperwork. To me the ehcp is a working document and should be reviewed and updated at least once a year. I had to call an emergency review for post 16 planning when I realised this had not been done in year 10 or at the age of 14years of age. Consequently my daughter will be 17 this year and no planning had been done. This was made worse by my daughter now having further health needs and dropped out of school over the lockdown being unable to do online work because of suspected adhd and the unmet needs that have not been addressed over the course of the ehcp. Big failings by the LA I am afraid. Lots of stress for me and my family and a daughter who has almost failed the whole of secondary education.
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